
Kevin Charles
Hemel Hempstead HERTS UK

Bio & Interests

Son of RAF Spitfire 601 squadron pilot Alan Ronald CHARLES who flew in Italy end of 1944 - 1945 Have his log book plus 601 Squadron Operations Records for 1945

Pilots Added

 Charles, Alan, Ronald
 Haus, Harry, James
 Proctor, Billy, Wright
 Bary, Ronald, Edward
 Hallas, Arnold, George Raymond
 Davidson, Alan, Hubert
 Dundas, Hugh, Spencer Lisle
 Friis, Graham, Harwood
 Jones, Owen, Hafan Ellis
 Hyett, Michael,
 Widdowson, Stanley,
 Robson, Peter, Curtis
 Proudman, Harold, George
 Lawton, Mervyn, Hector Dendy
 Turkington, Robert, Wilkinson
 Pote, Peter, Donald
 Waddington, Walter, David
 Vose, Tom, Joseph
 Stimpson, Charles, Trevor
 Clements, Robert, Lionel
 Hart, Raymond, Robert
 Hynes, Arthur, Joseph
 Poulden, Kenneth, Albert
 Waters, William, Frank
 Holland, Jack, Leslie
 Egerton-Green, Anthony, James
 Hessell, Garth, Murray
 Johnson, Thomas, Edward
 Duffie, John,
 Stratton, Walter, William
 O'Halloran, Bernard, Michael
 Watford, Billie,
 McKanna, Reginald, Edward
 Hoolihan, Patrick, Gordon Thomas
 Smith, Charles, Peter Keith
 Beech, J, A
 Brayshaw, Leonard,
 Dawson, John,
 Harris, Alfred, Willett
 Henrick, Ernest, John
 Marriott, Thomas,
 Marshall, Alfred,
 Riley, Charles, Walter Clifford
 Robertson, Frederick, James
 Russell, J,
 Sutcliffe, Arthur, Clyde
 Tracey, J, R
 Watson, Richard, Alan
 Coles, Dennis, Arthur Louis
 Hall, Leonard,
 Kingsford, Roy, Stuart
 Kruger, J, H
 Hodgson, John,
 Russell, Richard, Gerald Cruickshanks
 Saunders, Leslie, Arthur
 Beasley, Charles, William
 Cannam, Peter,
 Hutchinson, Reid,
 Gasson, John, Edward
 Aling, Dennis, Richard Clifford
 Garner, Ben, Loraine
 Stillwell, Len,
 Michell, Alfred, James Raymond
 Long, Dennis, Frederick McKinlay
 Hedger, Robert, Stanley
 Davis, Philip, George Henry
 Goldberg, David,
 Taylor, Allan, Douglas
 Burrow, John, Leslie
 Barton, B,
 Barton, J,
 Cowan, Ronald, Hodgson
 Doyle, James, Raymond
 Greenwood, B, H
 Hodgkinson, Thomas, Leslie
 Windle, Ernest, Roy
 Huck, Thomas,
 Mannion, Denis, Stephen
 Peacock, Arthur, John
 Richardson, D,
 Wilson, K,
 Bryan, Anthony, John Adrian
 Campbell, Robert, Palmer
 Carroll, Michael, James
 Desormeaux, Alfred, Alcide
 Doyle, Francis, Anthony
 Gibson, Alexander, Douglas
 Helmer, Gorden, James
 Herron, Vernon, Alexander
 Holdway, Charles, Edward
 Hope, George, Proud
 Hurrell, Lawrence, Joseph
 Jewitt, William, George
 Johnston, Bruce, Fraser
 Lambie, Donald, Walter
 Langford, George, Chester
 Latimer, Robert, Edward
 Leach, Jack, Douglas
 Leslie, John, Alexander
 Linton, Karl, Raymond
 Malone, Charles, John
 McKay, Donald, Hugh Allan
 Nickerson, Ralph, Waldo
 Pigden, William, Leslie
 Richards, Lloyd, Woodham
 Slack, George, Herb
 Urie, Charles, Henry
 Walton, John, Middleton
 Webster, Robert, Charles
 Weekes, John, William
 Weinmeister, Rudolf, Waldemar
 White, Alfred,
 Whitlock, Timothy, Ted
 Whittingham, John, Anthony
 Wilson, Thomas, Ridgeway
 Zelko, John, Martin
 Curtis, Keith, Roe
 Forrester, John, Vick H
 Love, Douglas, John
 Marshall, Stuart, Allan
 McEwan, A, H
 Ogg, James, Scott
 Stevenson, Donald, Alfred
 Wright, Donald,
 King, Geoffrey, Meredith
 Anderson, John, Maitland Gatherer
 Anderson, John, McVane
 Beisiegel, Donovan, John
 Benzie, J,
 Beswick, David, Grant Eardley
 Briand, Alfred, Louis
 Britton, Blagdon, Cecil
 Clifton, Oliver, Eyre
 Collyer, A, G
 Collins, K, S
 Daniel, Stephen, Walter
 Farrow, Leslie, Warneford
 Fayet, Julien, Henry
 Forster, W, B
 Franks, Richard, Derek
 Garth, A,
 Hamer, John, Edward
 Hammet, Arthur, Robert Mitchell
 Honner, Kenneth, Sydney
 Hoskin, Peter, William
 Hughes, William,
 Jacobs, Ronald, Harry
 Keates, Vincent, Roy
 Kent, B, P
 McKay, George, Robert Stewart
 Melville, George, Thomas Young
 Moffat, Joseph, Raymon
 Nevett, Reginald, George
 Newman, Andrew, George Patterson
 Padden, Clifford, Thomas
 Phillips, John, Berry
 Reeves, Norman, Cedric
 Sadler, Clifford,
 Smith, S, G
 Stacey, Allan, John
 Ulm, John, Anthony
 Ware, J, B
 Williams, R, M P
 Wood, Douglas, Lawley Stevens
 Woodley, Anthony, Brooke
 Wright, G, R
 Fry, Samuel, Richard
 Anderson, Andrew,
 Archer, Kenneth,
 Bailey, Laurence, Milton
 Beadle, James, Laurie
 Blake, Lawrence, Archie
 Bowden, Edward,
 Butler, Grenville, Humphrey
 Carlisle, Norman, John
 Clarke, A, B
 Clayton, Norman,
 Curnick, G,
 Doyle, John, Joseph
 Etchells, Kenneth,
 Freeman, Maurice,
 Gill, Roy,
 Henderson, George, Edward
 Henderson, Robert, Welch
 Hudson, Thomas, Walter Booth
 Cunningham-Leny, George,
 Huish, Maurice, Ryman
 Inglis-Taylor, Patrick, Lionel John
 Jenner, Leonard, Dennis Harvey
 Johnson, Kenneth, Vivian
 Lancey, Arthur, Venning
 Laugher, Jack, Charles
 Lorimer, David, Hook
 Nichols, Leslie, Dennis
 Peters, J, V
 Radcliffe, Alan, John
 Randall, W, P
 Hall, W,
 Ray, A, J
 Roberts, Cyril, Richard
 Sissons, Kenneth, Norman Raymon
 Sparrow, Edwin, Jefferson
 Stevens, Frank,
 Watts, Donald, Victor
 Barnwell, Richard, John
 Bartel, Lyn, C
 Bartman, W, J
 Bender, Charles, S
 Boyd, Cecil, William Louis
 Brown, L, Hinton
 Bulley, L, N
 Clarke, Les, U
 Coker, Herb,
 DeJongh, Robert, Edmund
 Du Plessis, C, J H
 DeVilliers, J, S
 DeWet, Frans, P
 Doveton, G, D
 Dowden, William, Adams
 Ellis, J, P
 Foster, H,
 Frisby, Albert, Garrett
 Fryer, Trevor, R
 Gouws, I, W
 Greaves, H, J
 Hansmeyer, P, N
 Harmse, D, J
 Human, Johan, Daniel Wilhelm
 Keartland, Basil, T
 Kritzinger, Hermanns, J
 Krummeck, Geoffrey, Courtney
 Langton, Syd, C
 Lipawsky, Gordon, Benjamin
 McKechnie, Roy, Barr
 Mitchell, Tim,
 Niland, Peter, V
 Pare, C, M T
 Rose-Christie, Bruce,
 Ross, Jack, B S
 Rowden, Ian,
 Scholefield, G,
 Schorn, Tom,
 Shores, Edward, Arthur
 Slaven, Jack, L J
 Snyman, Hardy, Theodore
 Strick, Edward, J
 Tomlinson, O, D
 Truter, I,
 Tweedie, Melville, Haigh Louis
 Van Niekerk, H, P B
 Weaver, John, G
 Whittaker, Fred, W
 Yeo, Ronald, Ernest
 Moodie, Derrick, Dunbar
 Holt, Leslie, Albert
 Henderson, William, Raymond
 Swales, Cecil, Jack Ormande
 Brunton, Walter, Victor
 Davey, Ray, T
 Harris, Terence, Anthony
 Heugh, Hugh, Grainger
 Schoeman, N, G
 Barrell, Harold, P
 Bloch, Lionel, Maurice
 Bosch, Ray, G
 Carter, H, A
 Chandler, Harry, Challis
 Cliff, B, K
 Cochrane-Murray, D, J
 Cohen, I, J
 DeGraff, J, A
 DeJongh, D, N
 Doyle, Basil,
 Dyason, R, G
 Goldsworthy, F, G
 Hawley, Frank, A
 Ley, S, J
 Martin, John, Henry
 McChesney, D, J
 Meeser, Fred, C S
 Mendlesohn, Felix,
 Metcalf, N, D
 Montgomery, A, H
 Neser, J, A
 Pollock, J, E C L
 Pretorius, A, J H
 Reim, Ferdinand, Mervyn
 Roelofse, Johannes, Jacobus
 Scott, T, C
 Segalla, John, George
 Styger, H, S
 Swift, L, J A
 Tatham, H, William
 Taylor, Dennis, James
 Thomson, D, A F
 Victor, N, P
 Vollmer, Theodore, Francis
 Walters, W, E
 Davison, Stewart,
 Finney, Stewart, Alexander
 Stone, Joachim, Frederick Johannes
 Moon, W, L O
 Tatham, G, L H
 Assad, Hussein,
 Bell, Robert, F
 McDonald-Breakey, Thomas, John
 Broome, H, P S
 Brown, J, O
 Carolin, H, D
 DeKlerk, Laurie,
 DuPlooy, R, M
 Dunlop, Ronnie, H
 DuToit, John, H
 Flynn, Michael,
 Gordon, W, G
 Haines, D, W
 Harley, Joe,
 Harrison, Neville, Claude
 Hitchins, C, C
 Hogan, John, Patrick
 Lawrie, W, R
 Leppan, Peter, D
 Miller, James, Barton
 Paterson, Abraham, Chad
 Morris, G, C
 Phelan, Joe,
 Rogers, A, L
 Van Der Spuy, Alexis,
 Wiles, H, P
 Ellis, Mary,
 Buckiewicz, Seweryn,
 Burgess, William, Leslie
 Evans, Robert, Ernest
 Hart, John, Patrick Joseph
 Hayden, Basil, Joseph
 Hicks, George, Hartley
 Horter, George, Manuel
 Kallio, Oliver, Charles
 Kent, Robert, Edward
 LaJeune, Joseph, Raymond
 McElhanney, Thomas, Perry
 McNally, Jack, Angus Hall
 McWilliams, Alan, Francis
 Murray, Hugh, Cornelius
 Turvey, David, Lloyd George
 Nowak, Czeslaw, Jan
 Peacock, Donald,
 Arthur, William,
 Blumer, Alexander,
 Colyer, Thomas,
 Cooper, Maurice,
 Cowie, Donald,
 Eid, Andre,
 Geldard, Cornelius, Cecil
 Geldenhuys, B,
 George, William,
 Hay, Wellington,
 Henderson, Keith,
 Holton, Herbert,
 Matheson, William,
 Meaker, Frank, John Montgomery
 Niven, William,
 O'Callaghan, Derek,
 Osler, Malcolm,
 Palmer, M,
 Parker, John,
 Sharpe, James, Edward
 Simpson, Archibold,
 Smith, Thomas,
 Stickney, Richard,
 Thomas, George,
 Tilston, John,
 Waugh, Lawrence,
 Wearne, D,
 Yarnell, Cyril,
 Wadsworth, Eleanor,
 Barker, William, Coombs
 Appleby, Sydney, Osborne
 Armour, William, George
 Berryman, Neville, Henry
 Bird, K,
 Bowring, Benjamin, Harvey
 Bushen, Harman,
 Butterfield, Kenneth, Stanley
 Cameron, George, MacRae
 Chappell, John,
 Denston, Frederick, Ernest
 Dorman, Albert, Victor
 Ewens, Lionel, Charles
 Feeney, Joseph,
 Floyd, Ronald, James
 Godbolt, Ian, John Armour
 Griffiths, Caleb,
 Hairs, Peter, Raymond
 Hamlyn, Ronald, Fairfax
 Hancock, Norman, Edward
 Hancorn, Clifford, Pearce
 Hannah, J,
 Hill, Allen, Barrett
 Hunt, A,
 Jordan, W,
 Knight, Lawrence, Victor
 Lamb, Robert, Eustace
 Leslie, D,
 Littler, John, Morton
 MacDonald, Newton,
 Martin, Derick, Rolfe
 Dechamps, P, N J
 McBrien, David, John
 McKay, H,
 MacSween, Kenneth, Reith
 Mercer, Douglas,
 Mitchell, Denys,
 Porter, Donald, Alastair
 Scott, Andrew,
 Sherwood, Arthur, Albert
 Skellon, Robert, Burton
 Skudder, Haydn, John
 Virgo, Ian, Cecil
 Walkington, Geoffrey, Greer Guy
 Wallace, David,
 Woodey, Jack, Edward
 Sotheron-Estcourt, Edmund, Giles
 Dickson, Ian,
 Ross, Jack, Kenneth
 Rosser, Percival, Ernest
 Dey, Phillip, Alexander
 Simmons, A, G
 Van Der Heijden, Pieter, Robert Marie
 Anderson, Murray, Crichton Bell
 Arnold, Keith, Fergus
 Bayley, Keith, Hamilton
 Bennett, Denis, Barberry
 Beresford, Tristram, Barnard de la Poer
 Bracken, William, James
 Cantillion, Andre, Joseph Emil Gregoire
 Chappell, Peter, Desmond Williamson
 Clark, Leonard, Ernie
 Craxton, Charles, Timothy Victor
 Cussons, Richard, Cleminson
 Dowse, Sydney, Hastings
 Durston, Eric, John
 Fowler, John, William Southmayd
 Gimson, Peter, Geoffrey Charles
 Herbert, Phillip, Wynne
 Higson, Donald,
 Leavitt, Robert, Frederick
 Loasby, Laurence, David
 Lofts, Keith, Temple
 Malcolm, Frederick, Ian
 McLeod, Angus,
 Miles, John, Stuart Dixon
 Pim, Arthur, Edward Peter
 Robin, Michael, Guy
 Salwey, David,
 Seabourne, John, Patrick
 Swift, James, Frederick
 Wheeler, Henry, Neil George
 Wysiekierski, Zbigniew, Piotr
 Young, Michael, James Beaumont
 Adlam, Frank, Percival
 Aitken, James, McGinn
 Anderson, Alexander, Barr
 Arnold, Charles, Keever
 Aston, Billy, George
 Ball, Alfred, Henry Wynne
 Baudar, Maurice, L J
 Beamish, Charles, Eric St John
 Blagg, John,
 Bonnar, Norman, John
 Boothman, John, Nelson
 Bottome, Nigel, Leatham
 Bowes, Samuel,
 Brace, Arthur, Henry
 Brew, James, Robert
 Brooks, William, Gwynfryn
 Buchanan, Roy, Currie
 Buckingham, Henry, Francis
 Burtis, Samuel, Gordon
 Calnan, Thomas, Daniel
 Campbell, James, Russell
 Campbell, Keith, George
 Chisholm, John, Harry Mackellar
 Clark, Douglas, John Denys
 Clegg, Bernard,
 Clyne, Harold, Wallace
 Corbishley, Peter,
 Crakanthorp, Geoffrey, Robert
 Dearden, Jack,
 Dearling, Leslie, Seward
 Deighton, Jack, Arthur Douglas
 Dixon, John, Hardy
 Donaghue, William, Russell
 Durbridge, Keith,
 Duxbury, Frederick, Ronald
 Edwards, Allen, Grayson
 Efford, Frederick, Henry Charles
 Elliott, Roy, Price
 Evans, Charles, Hope
 Fletcher, Charles, Felix
 Forbes, John, William Seivwright
 Forknall, Dennis, Arthur
 Fuge, Brian, Kenneth Levinge
 Furniss, Donald, Raymond Munro
 Garvey, Richard, Francis Christopher
 Gheude, Serge, Léopold Eugène Ghislain
 Glover, Alexander,
 Goldie, John, Dunlop
 Goulden, Thomas,
 Gravenstede, Donald, John
 Green, Lawrence, Alexander
 Gubb, Anthony, Wreford
 Hamer, Ernest, Raymond
 Harding, Peter,
 Hardman, Donald, Francis Ignatius
 Hatchwell, John, Burke
 Henry, Valentine, Ernest Michael
 Herbert, Harold, Thomas
 Hill, Anthony, Eustace
 Hood, Michael, Douglas Sutcliffe
 Hunter, Geoffrey, Colin Devas
 Hyde-Parker, Anthony, Edington
 Ibbotson, John, Davis
 Iredale, John, Percival
 Johnson, Roy, Percival
 Jones, William, Morris Owen
 Kelley, Phillip, John
 Kemp-Lewis, Ronald, Hugh
 Kenwright, Burton, Roy
 King, Herbert, Allan
 Larson, Roger, William
 Lavender, James,
 Lee, Edward, Dewar Lyell
 Lenton, Douglas, Francis
 Ludman, Raymond, Ernest
 Luepke, Robert, Theodor
 Maclean, Roderick, Orr
 Mair, John, Drysdale
 Manifould, William, Kenneth
 McCuaig, Duncan, Kennedy
 McMaster, Brian, John
 Mead, Roger, Clutton
 Messervy, Norman, Henry Edward
 Mills, Peter, Alan
 Morgan, William, John Guy
 Mouzon, Léopold-Joseph,
 Myles, John, Robinson
 Nettleton, Francis, Edward
 Nichol, Ken, John Hammond
 Ogilvie, Patrick, Bruce Bine
 Panton, William,
 Parker, William, Baker
 Patrick, Leon, Fred
 Paus, Alexander, Gemmell
 Pearson, Donald, Bertram
 Pollard, Douglas,
 Power, James, Patrick
 Puttick, Gordon, William
 Raby, Raymon, Kenneth
 Rawson, George, Ernest
 Reeves, Harold,
 Riley, Frederick,
 Ring, Spencer, Leonard
 Robinson, Frank, Anthony
 Rowbotham, John, Neville
 Rumsey, Arnold, Arthur
 Rutherford, David,
 Saffery, John, Hugh
 Samson, John, Frederick
 Bacon, Edward, Gordon
 Scott, Donald, Gairn
 Seddon, Ian, Harold
 Shawyer, Horace, Keith
 Shelmerdine, John, Harold
 Singlehurst, George, Basil
 Smalley, James, Ralph Thornton
 Spencer, Peter, John
 Steventon, Donald, Wilfrid
 Storey, James, Elwyn
 Sturrock, Ian, William
 Taffs, John, Clifford
 Tangye, Nigel, Trevithick
 Tardif, Cecil, Arthur
 Tomlinson, Peter,
 Turnbull, Thomas, Pierre
 Waghorn, David, John
 Watts, Philip, Harold
 Whaley, Noel, Patrick
 Whitaker, Leslie, Lawrence
 White, Vernon, Bartlett
 Whitehead, Roy, Valentine
 Wilkinson, Einar, Thor
 Witherick, Reginald, William
 Xiężopolski, Lech, Andrzej
 Wilson, Louis, Douglas
 Corbett, Alexander, Boyd
 Busbridge, George, Norcott
 Sargent, John, Michael Hewlett
 Densham, Arthur, Roy
 Wright, Kenneth, Lindsay
 Chivers, Alan,
 Wise, Stewart, Gordon
 Millen, Samuel, James
 Greenhill, Cedric, Alan Sykes
 Smyth, Ronald, Henry
 Sperry, William, A
 Johnson, Kenneth, Bosworth
 Johnson, William,
 McDonald, Alastair, Thompson
 Rogers, Charles, Matthew Thomas
 Rains, William, Frank
 Wilson, Duncan, Fairlie
 Fripp, Joffre, Harry
 Frith, Charles, Thomas
 Ayer, John, Butler
 Briggs, Leonard,
 Chandler, John, Derek
 Cooper, Ivan, Brian
 Morgan, James,
 Morgan, William,
 O'Brien, Arthur, Haig
 O'Connell, Bernard, Joseph
 Parry, Norman, Lloyd
 Rothwell, Herbert, Jack
 Searle, Eric, George
 Taylor, Roy, Meldrum
 Brennan, Charles, Arthur
 Goodwin, Richard, Montague
 Graham, Archibald, Reid
 Greenwood, George, Benjamin Dudley
 Lowe, Julian,
 Stewart, Alan,
 O'Neill, Peter,
 Rashleigh, Francis, Evelyn George
 Burniat, Paul, Ghislain
 Dale, Adrian, Richard
 Clerke, Rupert, Francis Henry
 Sizer, Wilfred, Max
 Campbell, Robert, Munro
 Butler, James,
 Brooks, Arthur, Jack
 Farquhar, Keith, Milton
 Hearne, Peter, Joseph
 Hinchcliffe, Raymond, Leonard
 Kitchen, Rene, Charles
 Malczewski, Franciszek, Stanisław
 Misseldine, John, Ernest
 Pawlowski, Władysław, Leon
 Robertson, Malcolm, Eric Edward
 Smith, David, Ian
 Sones, Lawrence, Charles
 Stoker, Kenneth, Norman
 Walker, Frederick, Roland
 Cattermoul, Frank, Harold
 Warren, Bruce,
 Warren, Douglas,
 Leguie, Rene, Louis
 Shephard, Herbert,
 Cooper, Ronald, Arthur
 Davidson, John, Lavery
 Doll, John, Christopher
 Rowell, Nathaniel, William
 Williams, Emrys, Aloysius Joseph
 Miller, Ronald,
 Atkinson, Ronald, William
 Hughes, Edward, Gordon
 Lewis, William, Sidney David
 Van't Sant, Johannes, Jacobus
 Gorrill, Vernon, Irving
 Williams, Charles, Alan Danvers
 Ball, Thomas, Humphrey
 Farmer, Ralph, Bernard
 Donaldson, Robert, Wiseman
 Smallbone, Denys, George
 Copley, John, James Hawke
 White, Alfred, John
 Bouguen, Marcel,
 Knajenhjelm, Kai, Arthur
 Cambridge, Roy, Frank
 Jarred, Colin, Robert
 Marples, Roy,
 Pinny, John, Anthony Hurst
 Ranger, Geoffrey, Harold
 Tuele, William, Nicholas
 Valiquet, Charles, Napoleon
 Haddon, Alan,
 Wilmet, Robert, Ernest Julien
 Game, Malcolm, Dennis Reginald
 Reid, George, St Clair Boyd
 Sharpe, Bertie, Walter
 Sumpter, Verdun, Jack
 Andersz, Stefan,
 Benzinski, Kazimierz, Józef
 Ciastula, Tadeusz, Leopold
 Czarnecki, Zbigniew, Henryk
 Gretkierewicz, Władysław,
 Jaszczak, Mieczysław,
 Kobusinski, Kazimierz,
 Krajewski, Jan,
 Krzysztofinski, Jerzy, Józef
 Kwiatkowski, Tadeusz, Zdzisław
 Lanowski, Witold, Aleksander
 Loska, Erwin,
 Lucyszyn, Stanisław, Eustachy
 Makosz, Konstanty,
 Nosowski, Stefan, Kazimierz
 Pietrzak, Aleksander,
 Powierza, Tadeusz,
 Radwanski, Jerzy, Aleksander
 Rzyski, Tomasz, Józef
 Sniec, Czesław,
 Sowinski, Stanisław,
 Wardzinski, Erazm, Stanisław
 Hutchins, Eric, William
 Brown, Francis, David Colin
 Brown, Ronald, Kenneth
 Ainsworth, Eric,
 Bradford, John, William
 Carruthers, James, Robert
 Davies, Brian, Keith
 Death, Raymond, Frederick
 Ellacott, Malcolm, Edwin
 Ford, Robert, Edgar
 Furneaux, Rex, Horton
 Gardner, Ronald, Charlie
 Holloway, Stanley, James
 Hynds, William, John
 Lehman, Arthur, Ray
 Miller, David, Kenneth
 Morrow, John, Douglas
 Muir, James,
 Hadingham, Arthur, Kew
 Salmon, Charles, Beadle Lindsell
 Walters, Lawrence,
 Richardson, Colin,
 Ross, Michael,
 George, Marshall,
 Cheevers, Thomas, William
 Collins, Kenneth, James
 Younger, Charles, Irving
 Wells, William, John Henry
 Cooper, William, John
 Davies, Cecil, Brian Powell
 Entwistle, Frank, Victor
 Gordon-White, Lynden, Kingsley
 Hain, Alan, Wesley
 Harris, Mervyn, Harold
 Lock, Kenneth,
 Mann, Dennis,
 Park, Douglas, Stewart
 Woodhouse, Thomas,
 Proctor, Frederick, Donald
 Dowling, Alison, Edward
 Papps, Colin, Ernest Baird
 Curtis, John, Charles Joseph Murray
 Hickey, James, Brian
 Mahony, John, Denis
 Carpenter, Eric, Paris Brooke
 Borrett, George, Leonard
 Kemp, Derek, Gordon
 Gadd, Dennis,
 Coombes, Michael, Wilsher
 Rosser, Thomas, Newland
 Dick, Alexander, Weir McDonald
 Sinclair, Gordon, Leonard
 Pace, Thomas, Gilbert
 Irwin, Charles, Albert
 Gunning, Peter Stackhouse,
 Steere, Harry,
 Haines, Leonard, Archibald
 Lawson, Walter, John
 Hanes, John, Neville Francis
 Jakubowski, Jan,
 Kowalski, Slawomir,
 Wiorkiewicz, Mieczysław,
 Bettcher, Jerzy, Ryszard
 Watolski, Ernest, Feliks
 Janus, Stefan, Władysław
 Austin, Cecil, William Stead
 Lewis, James, Ronaldson Herbert
 Francis, Joseph, Gerard
 Grant, Frank, George
 Barry, Dennis, Albert
 Cannon, Edward, Dennis
 Masterman, Cedric, Audley
 Ingham, Berhard,
 Enright, Edwin, George
 Campbell, Cyril, Norman Stanley
 Dykes, James, Edward Townley
 McCutchan, John, Grant
 Likeness, Edward, Carl Richard
 Batten, Ronald, Mortimer
 Cherry, Leonard, Henry
 Child, John,
 Dalgleish, John,
 Gordon, Henry, Gray McKerron
 Innes, William,
 Mainland, Francis, Doyle
 Pattullo, Hamish, Munro Shield
 Webb, Paul, Clifford
 Wilson, William, Harper
 Agazarian, Marie, Jacqueline
 Baines, Rita, Pauline
 Ballard, Edwin, Dana
 Barnato-Walker, Diana,
 Baxter-Jones, Victor, Richard
 Ffrench, Patrick,
 Ballard, Ethel, Ruth
 Clouston, Wilfred, Greville
 Unwin, George, Cecil
 Petre, George, William
 Jennings, Bernard, James
 Matheson, Geoffrey, Charles
 Potter, John, Alfred
 Trenchard, Horace, Arthur
 Lyne, Michael, Dillon
 Coleman, John, Herbert
 Birch, Raymond, Robert Grenville
 Howard-Williams, Peter, Ian
 Pinkham, Philip, Campbell
 Roden, Henry, Adrian Charles
 Stephenson, Geoffrey, Dalton
 Sutherland, Ian, Welsh
 Vokes, Arthur, Frank
 Thomas, Eric, Hugh
 Parrott, Dennis, Thomas
 Scott, George, Wardrop
 Whelan, John,
 Davies, Patrick, Bernard George
 Tucker, Michael, Duncan
 Milman, Hugh, Bruce
 Johnson, Bernard, William
 Lardner-Burke, Henry, Patrick
 Jones, Richard, Leoline
 MacGregor, Alexander, Noel
 Wilkinson, Kenneth, Astill
 Kosina, Karel,
 Andrews, Mervyn, Frank
 Cockcroft, Kenneth, Henry
 Devereux, Maurice, Victor Denver Derwent
 Edmonds, Peter, Harfield
 Henderson, Jack,
 Parkin, Gordon, John
 Sokol, Josef,
 Netopil, Bohumil,
 Ievers, Norman, Lancelot
 Calvert, John, Lennox
 Cowley, Denis, Martin
 Lysicky, Vojtěch,
 MacKenzie, Angus, Stewart Robertson
 Blore, Eric, Albert
 Brooker, Stanley, Frederick
 Ridings, Alan, Lever
 Halford, John, Rosher Stirling
 Watts, Raymond, Archibald
 Simpson, Howard, Alvar Lewis
 Rousselot, Marcel, Auguste Antoine
 Delange, Pierre, George
 Wedd, William, Basil Van Nostrand
 Fuchs, Bernard,
 Bell, Maxwell, Herron
 Browne, Adrian, Victor
 Callister, Ian, Hope
 Carter, Peter,
 Bradley, Charles, Frank
 Ciechanowski, Władysław, Maria
 King, Leonard, Vincent
 Mills, William, Herbert
 Pincus, John, David
 Plummer, Nigel, Anthony
 Mundy, Ian, Meynel P
 Rudland, Clifford, Percival
 Royer, René, Félix Charles
 Baragwanath, John, Dakin
 Sager, Arthur, Hazleton
 Bergel, Hugh Charles,
 Hunt, Douglas, Arthur Charles
 Cruickshanks, Ian, James Alexander
 King, Peter, James Christopher
 Stoddart, Kenneth, Maxwell
 Levenson, Stephen, Austin
 Mather, John, Romney
 Tyrer, Edward,
 MacFie, Colin, Hamilton
 Crompton, Ralph, Kenyon
 Sadler, Herbert, Samuel
 Jones, Cyril, Arthur Trevor
 Heath, Barrie,
 Hay, Ian, Bruce David Enroll
 Paderewski, Stefan,
 Wróblewski, Aleksander,
 Pawlikowski, Stefan,
 Kelsey, Eric, Norman
 Bettinson, Charles, John
 Bennett, Philippa, Mary
 Barnes, Lemuel, George
 Williams, Robert, George
 Alexandre, Robert, Andre Guy
 Yarra, Robert, Ernest
 Warner, William, Henry Cromwell
 Keighley, Geoffrey,
 Kennard, Hugh, Charles
 Norris, Stanley, Charles
 Smith, Andrew, Thomas
 Spears, Arthur, William Peter
 Shearer, James,
 Parkes, William, Bert


reply: kurtis Added a lot! 2017-09-05 07:14:09

Kevin, you've added an incredible number of pilots, starting with your father. Thanks for documenting all of them as you have.

reply: Penelope Davidson Daddy! 2018-12-21 00:22:56

I have added a photo to your post, Alan Davidson was my father

reply: Penelope Davidson log book 2018-12-21 00:23:47

Re my father, I have his flying log book

reply: Mike Widdowson Added Photos 2019-04-20 18:11:01

Hello Kevin,

This is an impressive list of pilots - a huge effort of research. I am most grateful for you adding my father (I've just added some photos), and discovering the aircraft numbers he flew. This latter information is not in the flying logs (just the aircraft designation letter - 'E', 'G' etc.). I can now complete that part. I have several photos of your father, and Hodge and Dad in Italy which I can forward if you wish.

Best wishes,

Mike Widdowson

by: Adrian Dwyer Thank you 2021-05-16 11:40:32

Dear Kevin,
Thank you for adding Blag (Blagdon Cecil Britton, 145 Squadron DAF)! I have only just found this site and now my spare time is directed towards locating images to add to the Spitfire page and 'missing' pilots. Your example is inspiring!
All the very best.

by: Micka PERIER Anthony in Normandy 2021-05-18 08:45:37

Hello Kevin !
Regarding Anthony John Adrian Bryan, would you have more details ? Because Ive some for you !

by: Paul Beadle Pilot & Spitfire reunited 44 years later 2021-06-24 14:41:52

Kevin, thankyou for your hard work, I stumbled across details for my father, James Laurie Beadle. I posted some photos which include a reunion of him with his Spitfire (JXU) from 1989! He had flown the plane whilst with No.1 Squadron & it had eventually ended up as a sentinel outside an RAF base in Northants. Base commander enquired in the Spitfire Magazine if anyone knew of its history? My father thought that JXU looked familiar, looked it up, it had been his plane. I posted a pic of him with it in 1945 at Tangmere (JXU tail is extreme left, my father hands on hips in front row looking at squadron dog) and one of him at the reunion. The Base Commander invited him to the base to reunite him & his "kite", & gave him a good lunch where he spent a couple of hours answering questions on WW2 for current pilots. Needless to say he was overwhelmed!

by: Brent Thistle F/L RB Farmer 542 Squadron 2022-01-14 22:54:33

Hi Kevin, Found you while researching family member Ralph Farmer that you have added here. Wondering the connection to your research?

by: Marnix Alexander de Paula Lopes 542 SQ pictures 2022-01-18 09:19:34

Dear Kevin. I saw you added a picture of Robert Bernard Farmer and also a plane. Of the 12 planes he flew, my father [Derrick Hendry de Paula Lopes] flew 10! I was wondering if you might have more pictures, perhaps of the whole SQ 542 or other planes? With reagrd, Marnix Alexander de Paula Lopes